Review Policy


  • Any YA genre
  • Paranormal
  • Paranormal Romance
  • Dystopian
  • Contemporary Romance
  • Historical
  • Urban Fantasy
  • Fantasy
  • Mystery/Suspense
*If a book is not the start of a series, I would appreciate if you could provide the prior books.


I read books in a variety of formats. I prefer Bound Copy or Kindle (mobi). I also accept PDF’s.


I follow a typical 5 star format for rating.

  • ***** 5 of 5 stars= I LOVED this book! A must-read!
  • **** 4 of 5 stars= I really liked this book, A great read!
  • *** 3 of 5 stars= I liked the book, A good read

You won't ever find a 1 or 2 star rated review on my site. Why? If for any reason a book ever falls into a 1 to 2 star rating for me, first I stop reading and contact the author. I will then let the author know that the novel just isn't flowing for me like it should. I will offer to send the book to another reviewer to see if it is better fit for them.


Currently, I publish reviews on my blog,, and If the review has been requested from an author or publisher, it is always posted in all 3 locations. I will post in other locations upon request.

*Please note that I am a Moderator at MyHomeAwayFromHome book club on Facebook (!/MHAFH ) and my blog automatically posts on their page.


If you are an author or publisher who would like me to review a book, send me and email, contact me on Facebook or GoodReads. Send me the information for the book you want reviewed, author information, as well as any other relevant websites. I will look over the information about the book and author.  Typically I can have your review posted within 1-2 weeks.

Guest Posts, Interviews, and Giveaways

I love to do author guest posts, interviews, and host giveaways!!!!  If you are interested in being featured, please contact me for more details.


Best ways to contact me:

[FTC Disclaimer]I am in no way compensated for any reviews of review copies I receive from publishers, agents and authors. I receive review copies in return for an honest, fair review.

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